Товары ТурбонаддувТурбонагнетатели → Турбина 400+ HP Tomei ARMS M7960 173017 4G63T Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 7 8 9
Марка авто: Mitsubishi
Модель авто: Lancer Evolution 7 8 9
Двигатель: 4G63T
Производитель: Tomei
Артикул: ARMS M7960 173017
Наличие: под заказ
Цена: 225000р     186250р Без учета доставки.
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Описание товара:

Турбонагнетатель специально для Mitsubishi Evolution.

Обеспечивает мощность более 400ЛС.



The ARMS M7960 is capable of 400PS with 1.6k of boost.


The stock engine is safe for 360-370PS due to the weak Conrods. So with the standard engine it is best to use 1.4~1.5K of boost.
Change the boost settings whilst you are in 4th or 5th gear.
If you adjust boost settings in lower gear, then your boost settings will be higher when you are running in higher gears. (i.e setting theboost to 1.5K in 1st or 2nd gear can result to 1.7K in 4th or 5th gear).
(It’s not abnormal to see on some occasions when the rpm raises from peak boost and the boost drops). It is not necessary to modify the actuator from its original setting.
The actuator is designed to protect the turbine from the excessive boost pressures by relieving the excessive boost by opening the bypass valve.
The boost controller is connected with the actuator and intake plenum and it controls the amount of pressure that will go to the actuator to control the actuator.
So the boost controller will allow you to adjust the boost pressure that will determine when the actuator will open of close the relief valve.

Описание производителя Tomei:


Японский производитель тюнинга высочайшего качества. Все производство находится в Японии. Очень большой ассортимент для Nissan.

Цена: 186250 р.
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